Debt Advisory

“The scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers, as ask the right questions.”

— Claude Levi-Strauss

As a trusted independent advisor to the global project finance community, lenders retain our services to identify and mitigate their fundamental investment risks for the due diligence, financing, and regular monitoring of major greenfield and brownfield projects.

Due Diligence

We provide technical due diligence to syndicated lenders for major capital projects in the energy sectors, partnering selectively to coordinate and integrate commercial, legal, environmental, and specialist risk expertise.

Typical clients include financial advisors, export credit agencies, multi-lateral and development banks, sovereign wealth funds, and commercial lender groups.

Construction & Operations Monitoring

We could write the book on why construction schedules overrun and project costs rarely meet original forecasts.

Instead, we share our global experience across project sites, both offshore and onshore, to help lenders quickly identify material issues during the construction and operation of projects, focussing on emergent and potential risk exposures within the scope of committed financing agreements and models.